Worn out or frustrated with your HSP trait? Give this a try.
If you ever feel worn out, burned out or simply frustrated with your HSP trait, you’re not alone. The flip side of our gift makes it easy for us to feel overwhelmed. Here’s a lesson that I find myself relearning and revisiting and an invitation to make some shifts this week to help you get back to your expansive, energized self.
How Does Your Sensitivity Show Up? Take a Quiz!
Would you like a clearer picture of how your (or your child’s) sensitivity shows up? Researcher Dr. Elaine Aron who coined the term highly sensitive person (HSP), Best-Selling New York Times Author Anita Moorjani and Psychotherapist Julie Bjelland each have unique quizzes that validate and reflect back our HSP experiences. Take one or more quizzes, explore these authors’ resources, and see what you glean about yourself.